Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Twitter's Corporate Relevancy Hacked Off

The ideal of a new communication platform is that it democratizes thought through access for all. Revolutions sparked and stroked by everyone having an equal footing to express themselves. The Internet and specifically social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter started with the promise ideas can spread organically, based on merit. The content will rise to the top; anyone with a internet connection and something to say will be heard.

Corporate marketing machines think this idea is cute. Nothing a gaggle of MBA'd soul-suckers enjoy more than finding something people enjoy and branding it. Monetize monetize MONETIZE! A fun and quick way to say something profoundly dumb in 140 characters - or organize a revolt on your government if that's your thing - gets sapped and sucked dry by Bounty paper towels and Fancy fucking Feast ads popping up in your Twitter feed. So much for democratization when our eyeballs can be bought anywhere and everywhere they gaze.

Until this week of course, when some enterprising internet geniuses decided to have a little fun at the expense of Burger King and Jeep and demonstrate how little control those behemoths have on these new communication frontiers. Both corporate Twitter accounts were hacked and defaced with competitor's logos and nonsensical, vulgar ramblings. All because some unpaid and overworked intern probably chose 1-2-3-4-5 as the password.

It was a glorious and welcomed blow to the validity of corporations posing as people on social platforms. They can use their muscle and money to buy more views, but it only takes a single person with a keyboard to muck it all up. Let the revolution commence.

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